Treatment for chronic kidney diseases When kidney is not able to produce urine and throw all waste products out of the body, patient goes into CKD stage. It causes multiple health issues like anemia, fluid overload etc.

Who can give the Kidney ? For a kidney failure patient kidney can be donated by the   close relatives like father, mother, brother, wife or husband. or patient can get kidney from the other brain dead patients. 

Surgical procedure. Donated kidney will be placed in the illiac fossa of the patient. renal artery and renal vein are anastomosed to the recipients illiac vessels (external or internal artery and vein) Ureter is joined to recipients  urinary bladder. Some times native kidney is removed before transplantation.

POST OPERATIVE CARE- IMMUNOSUPRESSION Renal transplant recipient has to take medications which will prevent the rejection of donated kidney. Immunosuppressive  These are the drugs which will help the kidney to function and prevent kidney rejection or graft failure.