PROSTATE CANCER prostate is an organ in male reproductive tract. it has functions like production of fluids which gives nutrition to sperms.
CAUSESFAMILY History is one of the most common cause of cancer of prostate. chronic irritation and inflammation of prostate leads to cancer .Where as selenium and vitamin E HELPS TO REDUCE THE RISK.
Symptoms varies from complete asymptomatic patients to passing blood in urine, pain in lower abdomen, inability to pass urine, back ache in disease which has spread to back bone even factures without any trauma can occur
DIAGNOSISIt is made by clinical examination of your prostate gland by your physician otr urologist. Test like ultra sonography, MRI scan of the prostate and blood test marker serum PSA is used which is high in cases of cancer of prostate
TREATMENTTreatment depends upon the stage in which cancer is diagnosed. cancers which are confined to the prostate removal of the prostate is under taken which is known as Radical prostatectomy. In cancers which have spread other organs chemotherapy, hormonal treatment is done